Ghent in Motion

Auction nr: 

Sale due to bankruptcy Where You From NV

Collection day 9 January: registration between 9:15 AM and 11:30 AM, you can work until you are ready.

Viewing day(s)
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No collection day(s)
Start date: 
12/12/2019 - 12:00
02/01/2020 - 19:00
Number of lots: 
51 lots
Starting bid: 
€ 12050
Highest bid: 
€ 0
Lot nr: 

This combination contains lot numbers 3-12, 18-20 and 25 and becomes active as soon as the these individual lots have ended. The starting bid is the sum of the highest bids on the individual lots (or the starting bid if no bid was placed).
If no bids were placed on this combination, the individual bids will be assigned to the highest bidders.

Starting bid: 
€ 530
Highest bid: 
€ 0
Lot nr: 

This combination contains lot numbers 30-40 and becomes active as soon as the these individual lots have ended. The starting bid is the sum of the highest bids on the individual lots (or the starting bid if no bid was placed).
If no bids were placed on this combination, the individual bids will be assigned to the highest bidders.

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