In order to join our auctions, you need to register on our website by clicking "register" in the menu. Once your account is set up, you browse to a lot in an auction on which you want to bid. Fill in a static or automatic bid (see other question) and click "calculate bid". You get an overview of the total amount you'll have to pay when you submit.
On the page "my overview" you have an easy view of all the lots you're interested in or allready bid on.
IMPORTANT: make sure that you (or friends / family) can collect the goods ont the proposed collection day. The data are always mentioned at the top op each auction.
Browse to the homepage of our website www.openbare-verkopen.be
Click on the button "register" in the menu and fill in all the mandatory fields. You will receive an e-mail wich verifies you e-mail address. Follow the instruction in this mail for choosing your own password. From now on you have your own account wich gives you the possibility to join our auctions.
All the lots that interest you can be found in 'My overview': both the ones you bid on and those you follow using the star icon.
When you have the highest bid on a lot, the bid wil be collored in green. If someone outbids you, the bid will be collored in red.
This page is LIVE and contains all the info you need. It is also possible to bid via this page.
The markup added to your bid is 17% auction cost + 21% TAV. The tax rate depends on the kinds of goods that are offered.
For example. You place a bid of 100€. Your total amount will be 100€ + 17€(markup)= 117€ + TAV.
You will see the calculation of your total amount BEFORE you have to submit your bid!
There are 2 ways to place a bid:
A static bid:
You place a bid by yourself, manually. When someone outbids you, you have the possibility to place a higher bid.
An auto bid:
With an automatic bid you indicate the maximum price that you are willing to pay for the lot. The system will automatically increase your bid if you are outbid by a third party. This continues until your aximum bid is reached.
It's not possible to delete your auto bid, but you can cancel it by placing a static bid at the amount of the next minimum acceptable bid
When another bidder places a static bid equal to the maximum of your earlier placed automatic bid, the automatic bid beats the static bid.
An auction ends when all lots are closed. To maintain an overview, the lots end over a period of time. When there is a bid within the last 5 minutes of a lot, the remaining time will reset at 5 minutes.
We suggest to add the lots you're interested in to the "My overview" page. This page is LIVE so you always have the lastest updates and on this same page you can also place your bids.
This is not possible unless it is mentioned otherwise. Openbare-verkopen.be tries to organize the viewing days as flexible as possible.
When the lots are released you'll receive an e-mail with a summary of the lots you've won and the total amount to pay. Payments must be completed by bank transfer before the collection.
Our bankaccount details: IBAN BE84 1430 6028 1359 BIC GEBABEBB
Please use the right communication on your bank transfer in order to easyly find your payment on our account.
It is not possible to pay in cash.
Before you participate to an auction, it is important to make sure that you (or friends/family) can collect the goods ont the proposed collection day. The data are always mentioned at the top op each auction.
When you arrive at the location of the pick-up, you show your confimation mail and proof of payment to the responsible. An employee of Openbare-verkopen.be joins you to the lot(s) you've purchased in order to make sure that you get the right items. You're responsible for disassembling and transporting the goods. When you're finished, the invoice is handed over to you.
It is allowed to get your goods collected by someone else (friend or family). They just need to bring de confirmation e-mail and proof of payment.
Additional cost will be charged when the goods are not collected on the proposed date!
Go to the homepage of our website www.openbare-verkopen.be and click "Request new password" and fill in your e-mail address.
You will receive an e-mail with a hyperlink which gives you a single access to our website. Now you need to fill in a new password on the "edit" page of your account and click "save".
Yes, they can. Openbare-verkopen.be has 2 partners who deliver goods from our auctions.
All information on our dilivery page: http://www.openbare-verkopen.be/en/home-delivery
Yes, you can do this yourself on our website. When you are logged in, click "my account" at the top of the page. When you click "edit" you can edit all your data. Click "save" to apply the changes.
The data you've entered in the register form, will be used on the invoices of your purchases
It is not possible to return your purchases. Actions wich goods from bankrupties are not equal to traditional webshops and have different legal regulations. That's why we strongly recommend to use the viewing day(s) to determine whether the lot meets your expectations
We offer this service and provide a customized proposal for your situation. The conditions depend on the amout, quality and assortment of the goods.
Please send an e-mail to info@openbare-verkopen.be with a description and some pictures of the goods you want to aution.
A combination lot contains 2 or more lot within an auction and starts when the lots in the combination are ended. The starting bid of the combination is the sum of all the highest bids on those lots. (When there was no bid, the starting bid of that lot will be applied)