Route description

Route despriction to

We are located in the Rijksweg 442, hall B1 in Wielsbeke, Belgium. This is part of the Beaulieu site. On the street side you can recognize the entrance to the site by the totem with the established companies.

You drive up the driveway between the trees to the barrier. You call and you inform the reception that you are coming for They will then open the barrier for you.
Then you drive the first street to the right (there is also a sign) until the end. You see building B1 in front of you.


In een openbare verkoop dient elk lot  door de koper zelf gedemonteerd en getransporteerd worden (tenzij anders vermeld). Gelieve U dus steeds goed voor te bereiden!

A combination lot contains 2 or more lots from the auction to which the combination belongs.

Technologie staat niet stil, allerminst op IT vlak. Na jaren trouwe dienst zal onze website binnenkort vervangen worden. Een moderne look vooraan en een nieuwe motor binnenin!

That when there is a bid within the last 5 minutes of a lot, the remaining time will reset at 5 minutes?

With an automatic bid you indicate the maximum price that you are willing to pay for the lot. The system will automatically increase your bid if you are outbid by a third party.